Bsmart Technology Limited (BTL)
11/F, Capital Centre, 151 Gloucester Road
Wanchai. Hong Kong
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+852 2835 5707
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Who We Are

Our Story

BSS is a 100% Bumiputera locally-owned company registered in Malaysia since 2013 providing Telematics services to Petronas, Celcom, City Zone Express, Schenker Logistics, SPAD and Cyberview. Together with our alliance, we also partnered in tracking truck in Africa. We have invented the Front End Intelligence (FEI) Technology that revolutionises telematics solutions from a responsive standalone tracking system to an integrated system that enabled real time interactive, intelligent and event-driven transport management that monitor, communicate, evaluate and respond to events dynamically. BSS further fuelled our expertise & experience with actual operational knowledge that works.

With extensive industry domain knowledge, and innovative and experienced development team, BSS is offering a suite of revolutionary, comprehensive and reliable Integrated Telematics Applications at competitive rates. BSS’s Integrated Telematics Solutions empowers businesses, while we are focused on technology and development so that our customer will continuously stay focused on their core strengths in their business.

Our Mission

Strives for CONSISTENT EXCELLENCE in everything we do and to exceed the right customer’s expectation.

BSMART Unique Successful Factors

  • Innovative, reliable and complete product & solutions
  • Affordable total cost of ownership
  • Efficient service delivery
  • High quality customer service and support
  • Excellent relationship and experience beyond expectation

Our Vision

To be a WORLD CLASS INNOVATOR of Mobility Solutions

  • It’s no longer enough to simply keep up with customers’ expectations. Now the demand is having the ability to strive CONSISTENT EXCELLENCE in anticipating the needs to deliver solutions as they emerge 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Paramount to overcoming these challenges is aligning our functionality with our customer’s processes. And the first step is the unhindered flow of mission critical information to wherever our customers are, and at whatever time they need it. That’s the new model of commerce, the new face of doing business in the future. And for any business to move at the speed of business, mobility and connectivity offering solutions based on locality and sensibility are vital. The key to a mobile future lies in adopting an entirely new way of thinking. These new concepts motivated BSS to revolutionise mobility. To realise this vision, BSS brings the knowledge and skill-sets to transform the power and depth of desktop applications into highly functional mobility solutions. By doing so, you are finally given the control to define when and how to communicate and the access to define your own mix of applications so that any business will have all the information and tools available wherever you choose to work from, in real time no less.
  • By revolutionising mobility, BSS provides the springboard for businesses to elevate current services levels while retaining total command and control over day-to-day business operations, no matter where you are.


A fully Integrated Internet of Thing Solutions empowers businesses in process automation, seamless system integration and enable mobility, while we are focused on technology and development to optimise business operations in term of fuel usage, process automation, man power resources as well as fleet maintenance, so that our customers will continuously stay focused on their core strengths in their business.

Company Credentials

1999 - 2002

Technology Development

2002 - 2005

Technology Deployment

2005 - 2008


2008 - 2011

Full Commercialisation

100% In House Developed Technology

R&D Partially Funded by

  • MOSTI (Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation) under Industry Research and Development Grant Scheme (IGS)
  • Partially Funded by MDeC (MSC Development Corporation) under MSC Malaysia Grant Scheme (MGS)

Commercialisation Partially Funded by

  • MTDC (Malaysian Technology Development Corporation) under Commercialisation of Research & Development Fund (CRDF)

Research &

BSMART is a leading independent provider of market research and consultancy in the Global Telematics Services Industry with MSC status and ISO 9001:2008.

Design &

BSMART focused on technology and development for more than 12 years on our core strengths in our business.

Implementation &

With over 100 Developers to provide the best project designs, the resources and the expertise to make your Telematics Services business a success.

Operation &

Project Management Plan (PMP). Business Operations Management Methodology. Strategic Business Planning Methodology. Business Process Design Methodology.

Support &

A complete outsourcing model bundled with all Hardware and Software Infrastructures, Support, Maintenance & Upgrade Provision.

Management Belief


Our business is to serve the technological needs of the right customers. We focus on customer needs that define our positioning, product and service offerings, and the way in which we deliver to them. We are committed to innovative, competitive excellence and speed in meeting customers’ satisfaction.


We find and build passionate talents by urging our employees to be organized, knowledgeable, innovative and analytical individuals that connect and perform as a bold, sensible, modern, allegiance and result-oriented team that strives for consistent excellence in everything that we do.


We are committed to create a living world that allows people to maximise the potentials of technologies; satisfying business and lifestyle needs; focusing on the education and upbringing of young adults as well as the creation of a knowledgeable society. This living world is the environment we envision.


We strive to achieve and sustain above average returns while seeking the reality and reputation of management towards high quality and profitable organization.


We practice prudent resource management and fair dealings.